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Well, We're IN. Not Done But IN

I know that I haven't posted for quite some time. You have to understand that I have been busy with the house and all.

We moved into the house on November 18 (Ed's Birthday). That was one of his goals. We are still "In the rough" but it is soooooo much more confortable than the trailer that I can't believe we didn't do it sooner. I will be posting some interior pictures (as soon as I can get the rooms cleaned up a bit) We have moved our bedroom into one of the guest rooms until all the construction is done in the master. (Ed is doing tile work in the master bath, and he will be building the parlor fireplace (chimeny of which goes thru the bathroom).

We have not put down the hardwood floors yet. That will be one of the last things we do. The concrete floors with the radiant floor heat is just fine.

Right now Ed is working on the wainscot in the main entry hall. I should have pics tonight.


I love your house!!!! It is so inspiring that you guys built it!!! I keep telling my husband that he is going to build our next house!!!We are currently renovating a house from 1898.

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