And then there was WIND
We had some big excitement over the weekend. There were "High Wind" warnings on Saturday night & while we were watching TV we heard something hit the house (No damage done) and went out to see a large tree limb on the ground. Heard quite a few more wind blasts but nothing else.
Then in the morning I looked out towards the barn while I was making breakfast & saw the tin roof on the old milk house was blown up. I did a double take & at first I thought the roof had been blown off the Shop. Then as I looked I realized that it wasn't just the roof, but that I was seeing the West wall leaning on the stable wall. I guess this is God's way of letting us know that we aren't suppose to leave that section of the barn when we get ready to rebuild. The original plan was to tear down the entire section to the right of the shop area and save this section & set it up as a nice wood shop. We will still plan to set up the shop, just a little sooner than we planned, and we won't be trying to work around what is already there. New construction usually is much easier.
We have called the insurance & moved the door pieces that Ed was working on (they were untouched) into the house. Mom, Janet and AJ came out to check out the damage & help move stuff if needed. We have to wait on the major clean up until after the Insurance adjuster comes out.
Here are more pictures of the damage.